The 2024 Wheel Reinvention Jam is in 16 days. September 23-29, 2024. More info
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You can read the the #14 development update, with the progress from the second half of December 2019 to the first half of March 2020, at the following address:

Some of the highlights:
  • Support for the ANGLE libraries

  • Qt5 desktop backend

  • A new cross-platform file system API

  • Some Emscripten fixes to compile on latest versions
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    Yesterday I published SpookyGhost, a tool that lets you animate multiple sprites in a procedural way.

    It is based on the nCine, meaning it is coded in C++, it uses ImGui, and it would potentially run on all the engine supported platforms: Linux, Windows, macOS, Android and Emscripten.

    At the moment you can download a demo for Windows and macOS.
    It has no limitations, you can find it on

    Some of the tool features are:
    • Parent-child relations between sprites for advanced transformations
    • You can create animation groups and play them in parallel or sequentially
    • Unlimited canvas size with custom background color
    • Tuneable shift, scale and speed for animations
    • Multiple easing curves and loop modes
    • Export frames as single images or as a spritesheet
    • Use the mouse to select a rectangular region of a texture for your sprite
    • Use the mouse to set the anchor point for grid deformation animations
    • Native version for Windows and macOS
    • Coded in C++ for maximum performance and efficient memory use

    Have a look at this video for an example of what it can do:
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    You can read the the #13 development update, with the progress from the second half of September to the first half of December 2019, at the following address:

    Some of the highlights:
  • Support for the JugiMap map editor

  • Various Emscripten enhancements

  • Integration with the Nuklear immediate GUI toolkit
  • Read More →

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